Conference: Sofia 2006: Globalization, Digitization,
Access and Preservation of Cultural Heritage
Sofia 2006: Globalization, Digitization, Access and Preservation of
Cultural Heritage, will be held 8-10 November, 2006, at the Hotel Rodina,
Sofia, Bulgaria. Sofia 2006 is part of an international conference
series hosted by the School of Library and Information Management,
Emporia State University, Kansas, the Department of Library and
Information Sciences, University of Sofia, and Seton Hall University
Libraries, New Jersey. Conferences have been held in Kansas City, Kansas
(1995), Warsaw, Poland (1997), and Sofia, Bulgaria (2000, 2002, & 2004).
The members of the Conference Organizing Committee invite you to
participate in this biennial international conference that brings
together experts concerned with the effects of globalization and change
on the development of libraries, information infrastructure, and society.
You are invited to submit papers for presentation at Sofia 2006 on topics
related to the themes of the conference:
* Libraries, museums, archives, and record centers
* Digitization and access
* Intellectual property
* National and international information policies and projects
* Preservation
* National libraries
* Association initiatives
* Library/information science education
* Collaboration and cooperation
* Digital libraries
Abstracts of no more than 150 words will be accepted via e-mail (please
no attachments) until Saturday, 3 June 2006. Participants from Central
and Eastern Europe are asked to submit their abstracts to Prof. Alexander
Dimchev at dimchev_uni@abv.bg. Participants from the rest of the world
are asked to submit their abstracts to Prof. Herbert Achleitner at
achleith@emporia.edu. Notification of acceptance will be sent by 24
June. Accepted papers must be submitted by 14 October for inclusion in
the conference proceedings.
Students are invited to participate in a poster session to be held
parallel to the main conference. For more information, visit the Sofia
2006 website: http://slim.emporia.edu/globenet/Sofia2006/Index.htm.
Registration information can be found at
Registration fees include the conference and pre-conference materials,
meals during the conference, and pre-conference lunch and banquet. The
Hotel Rodina is offering a special conference rate when booked through
the conference registration.
Two optional tours are being arranged by Balkan Connections - a multi-day
tour of archeological and cultural sites in western Bulgaria with the
opportunity to visit libraries, and a day tour of Sofia. Both tours will
take place prior to the conference and more information will soon be
posted on the Sofia 2006 website.
Please circulate this announcement to other appropriate channels.
Thank you,
Rebecca Miller
Marketing Chair
Conference Organizing Committee Chairs:
Prof. Herbert Achleitner
School of Library & Information Management
Emporia State University
Emporia, Kansas, USA
E-mail: achleith@emporia.edu
Prof. Alexander Dimchev
Dean, Faculty of Philosophy
University of Sofia
Sofia , Bulgaria
E-mail: dimchev_uni@abv.bg
Prof. Howard F. McGinn
Dean of University Libraries
Seton Hall University
South Orange, New Jersey, USA
E-mail: mcginnho@shu.edu